Words from the coordinator
Environmental Science and Engineering major is
the only true interdisciplinary course given at
Tech. It faces issues in Environmental Science,
Environmental Engineering, Biology, Chemistry,
Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Facilities Planning, City Planning, Economics,
Philosophy, Sociology, Government, and Political
Science. In other words, it deals with every
issue you are likely to face in the 21st Century.
The Environmental Science and Engineering Major
strives to make the learning to be as authentic
as possible by conducting 10 or more field
investigations a year. Let's face it, you can
learn more about your world by being out in the
world than you can by sitting in a classroom. Our
teachers often learn as much from our students as
our students learn from our teachers. We think
that high school students should have as broad an
educational experience as possible. We invite you
to come learn with us." -
William Aghassi -
Environmental Science Coordinator